82 photos   8108 visits

x - Hey Yoo - x

~` Heii ` yoo. Date mai ajeaa n`am Look. Nuntseleg ce vreii de look, lasama putsiin tee rooo..OOOOOO``"-----"
~` Here I am ! xD Not for fakes.=] Duuuh' !
~` To be honnest , I wanna tell youu , I was posing as Mileey' too more time.:] xD
~` Sorry ! Why'/ ? Youu believed mee a looot. xD :)
~` Really ! ` Zuupp ! I'm soorry (: xD


=>` Look ! Nu sunt gen de fata stupid.:]
=>` Nu am chef de chestii `` trestii.(: xD
=>` Da ! Sunt miica`. Da' am personalitate !
=>` Never nu te lua de minee.:] Ca tu vezi?' Ai so patssejti'
=>` Hai jhut up sa`ti zik cevaa.'
=>` I will never like de tinee`.
=>` Shii nevaa' nu te plashesk.
=>` Look, nu's yo gen de fata : Vaii sa pang daca ma lovesc.
=>` Nu am chef sa razi de mine chiar si daca my hed mil strivesc !'
=>` Youu will never razi de minee.
=>` Nu ma crezii ? Stai sa vezii.



Baby Baby , nu believe in fakes.;] Sunt asa de prostii. N u's yo genn de fata sa believe in prostii. (: xD Cred numai in reale ! =] <3 Daca nu ma crezi ai sa vezii' =] / Sunt gen "haioasa" . Maii nebunaa ! Umblu dupe @chestii de gen STRALUCITOR. I love sa ma distrez ! Party Party ! :) Alaways.. ' Check my Jurnal sha'i sa vezi. =] ` >.

Sa ma descriuu' maii binee ? Cu cinee semaan ajeaa oleak la personalitii ! Cu Mozzby.:) <3 Mon Cherry !

Haii' ca nimeni nu'i la fel. (: xD

Hope I will fac more prieteni here ! =) See pe tine ! Laterrr'..
Heii`. ! Read all , please ! (: xD
Heii`. ! Read all , please ! (: xD
Givee Comms ! :] I will give bacck >:D<
Givee Comms ! :] I will give bacck >:D<
I`m like youu =] Buth' you`re noth like me ! (: xD
I`m like youu =] Buth' you`re noth like me ! (: xD
Here to have fuun ! xD & Friends ! xD :]
Here to have fuun ! xD & Friends ! xD :]
JoOin Mee ! (: xD :]
JoOin Mee ! (: xD :]
That`b by mee ;]
That`b by mee ;]
By me ! Likee' ?
By me ! Likee' ?
By mee x.x @!Friends?
By mee x.x @!Friends?
i love her =]
i love her =]
ce tare
ce tare
ce tare
ce tare
ce tare
ce tare

Comments • 27

AmYaCiRoNo 3 May 2011  
xDuperMoOkiexD 3 May 2011  
Niatzzaa.:] '.'
xCookieMonster 28 April 2011  
=.` Hey yaa! :x Nice to meet u! :x
xDuperMoOkiexD 3 May 2011  
MilesneedsyouxD 27 April 2011  
O_o` Welcomee
xDuperMoOkiexD 28 April 2011  
xCoRnyIsMyNamexD 27 April 2011  
xDuperMoOkiexD 28 April 2011  
Gabitza2010SmileyGirl 27 April 2011  
=`Heii`Lowww <333
xDuperMoOkiexD 28 April 2011  
KatieIsMyNamexD 26 April 2011  
Hey :) Wunna be friends? <3
xDuperMoOkiexD 26 April 2011  
Hey Sure , Luviee.xD :)
xBybiiixD 25 April 2011  
xDuperMoOkiexD 26 April 2011  
Heii Bybii'
RememberHannah 25 April 2011  
xDuperMoOkiexD 25 April 2011  
robimaier 25 April 2011  
Hello !!:)
xDuperMoOkiexD 25 April 2011  
xMysteriousGirl 24 April 2011  
Hello tu !
Imi place your descrierea ;;)
Wanna be prietene?:> ♥
xDuperMoOkiexD 24 April 2011  
nu nu vreau. =p
mai intrebiii ?
xMysteriousGirl 24 April 2011  
ok :]
Te amo tu =))
DeduxaaLov3 24 April 2011  
heei thuu`
xDuperMoOkiexD 24 April 2011  
BoOnaa' Babii' ! :) xDddddd
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